Use Case: How to Build LinkedIn Targeted Audiences — For Free!

Creating a list of companies to target as your LinkedIn audience might look like a long and boring job. First, you need to research your industry, then filter companies according to their location and maybe even by the number of employees…

By zeroin

Name to Email Finder

Find business emails in bulk or one at a time if you know people’s names and a company URL

By zeroin

Data Enrichment

Done every time you check for your email list validity – we fill in the rest of the account and contact info – for free!

By zeroin

Light CRM

Forget about massive Excel tables. Import, export or edit in a single place where all your data is stored.

By zeroin

Email Verification & Cleanup

Check business email validity one email at the time or by uploading a list of emails from your CRM.

By zeroin

Email Friendly Data

Automatically cleans Company & People’s names from special characters, emoji’s, numbers, etc.

By zeroin